
Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2020

news story

It has been reported that in the shelter "Cheerful dog" service treats dogs very badly. On May 1, the police searched the shelter and found that the animals were suffering and starving a lot, they were beaten, and they were not cleaned, so they stank terrible. They service bullied the dogs, many of them died. It's unbelievable, these people had no conscience. The court issued a penalty of three years imprisonment.

Are Polish people polite and kind (compared to other europeans)?

In my opinion Polish people can be both nice and not nice. They rarely say "good morning" and don't smile meeting each other very often. They are rudest on the internet, which can be seen from the content of many comments and the low level of discussion. However, many Poles are very willing to help if someone needs it. For example few months ago when an Iranian truck was broken dawn Polish drivers tried to help in the repair, and when it became impossible, they made a fundraising on the internet and very quickly gained money for a new car. In some countries, people are kinder outwardly, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are ready to help more. I think it depends more on attitude of individual people, not entire nations. 

Is the fake news a serious problem in the contemporary world?

I think that fake news is a problem in contemporary world. Nowadays there is a lot of them especially on social media. Many people believe in these fictitious informations because they are in line with their views. Others have problem to recognise what is true. When someone starts to read conspiracy theories on internet, he would be provided with similar stuff. Fake news are profitable to advertisers  because they get many clicks and generate big traffic. Also politicians use them to control society and influence political situations in other states. Good example of these is 2016 election campaign in the United States.