"Horses can recognize themselves in a mirror - new study"
A few days ago I read an interesting article entitled "Horses can recognize themselves in a mirror - new study" by Ali Boyle. I learned that horses possess an unusual skill, widely considered an indicator of self-awareness. They can recognize themselves in the mirror. Many animals treat their reflection in the mirror as if it were another animal. Some of them lose interest in it over time. When this happens scientists test their understanding using the "mark test". The animal is marked in a location they’ll only be able to see in the mirror, perhaps on their forehead or ear. Then scientists watch to see if the animal spends more time touching this body part in front of the mirror when it’s marked than when it isn’t. If it does, this suggests the animal recognizes its reflection. The results of this test indicate that self-recognition can exist in an entire species of horses and show that they are animals that can objectively look at their body. I find it very inter...