
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2020


Quarantine is a big challenge for everyone. Being closed at home can be difficult. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages of a situation.  I have much more time to sleep and I feel very well. I can manage my time as I want and decide when I learn and when I have a rest. I have more time for my family and I can play with my dog a lot. I can read books and cook my favourite dishes.  Quarantine also has its bad side. Cinemas, theatres and museums are closed. I can't go out with my friends. Staying at home made me irritable. I hope to come back to my normal life soon.
1) When the resercher comes up with the result of his experiment it is not enough to declare it as a scientifically proven fact.The scientific truth is not a result of a single experiment. It should be veryfied, preferably by someone who does not agree with this result. The veryfication should be repeated by other persons in differend places. 2) First, nowadays science explains a lot of things but still not all of them. Second, not all people are educated enough to know and understand the modern science. Third, belief in supernatural things makes it easier to explain some phenomena.

Should Lydia's husband be arrested?

           From legal point of view Lydia’s husband should be arrested, because he let his wife die. On the other hand he was depressed and he was not able to take reasonable decisions, that’s why his behavior could probably be justified.  Lydia presented a toxic personality. All the time she demanded somebody’s attention. Her husband was determined to devote the rest of his life to looking after her and he gave up everything for Lydia. However, he couldn’t make her satisfied and happy, as she was simply a mental-ill person. Several times she tried to commit a suicide. In my opinion she should be under hospital’s control.