
Bipolar disorder (ChAD) was called manic-depressive disease or psychosis or cyclophrenia in the past. It is manifested by episodes of depression, mania, hypomania or mixed episodes. Between these episodes, there are periods of remission, the complete absence of symptoms or the persistence of a few mild symptoms. Bipolar disorder is the second most common cause of psychiatric disability. It begins most at a young age, usually before the age of 35. It is combined with the high recurrence of symptoms and contributes to serious, negative consequences in all aspects of the patient's life. It affects: social, family and professional life, as well as economic condition or the possibility of realizing one's intellectual potential.

There are the following types of bipolar disorder: bipolar disorder, type I, type II, type III, seasonal affective disorder, cyclothymia and unipolar mania. Both men and women suffer from bipolar disorder.

Choroba afektywna dwubiegunowa ChAD, czyli depresja i mania.


  1. Thanks for keeping to the word limit.
    I thought the bipolar disorder can be effectively kept under control with appropriate medication. I know at least two people who have been diagnosed and function more or less normally at work and in their personal life.

  2. Intriguing. You wrote that bipolar disorder is the second most common cause of psychiatric disability. Do you know if there is some meaningful explanation to it?


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